

Hi, I’m Phil


Hi, I’m Phil


Design Leader and Innovator

Grew up in the UK, Netherlands and United States with exposure to many cultures and perspectives. As an early adopter, my first computer was a Commodore 64 and I’ve been building my own PCs for 20 years. Got my start in digital design at age 9 creating adventure video games using BASIC programming. Since then:

  • Masters Degree from Carnegie Mellon in Interaction Design

  • 15+ years producing and leading digital projects

  • 5 years experience in leadership roles

  • Passionate about growing and developing talent of all levels

Currently, I’m thinking about large-scale systems design and creating organizations that support great work.

Philosophy & Process

Design process after Tim Brennan (~1990)

Design process after Tim Brennan (~1990)

Diverge / Converge vs Narrow / Expand (Alexander 1962)

Diverge / Converge vs Narrow / Expand (Alexander 1962)

Both above images can be found in Hugh Dubberly’s phenomenal “how do you design” series. The first diagram shows the seemingly meandering process we follow as designers. The second shows the structure we follow when attacking a problem. It illustrates how designers break complex problems down into manageable pieces and reframe them in innovative ways. When managing and leading teams, it is critical to create the right environment where designers can practice their craft and deliver exceptional work. I believe this is achieved by fostering the right harmony of skills, autonomy, collaboration, and creative space.